Frequently Asked Questions
How do I sign my child up for CPW?
Online registration for Carlsbad Pop Warner is held on our website March-April each year. Players and parents must also attend one in-person registration date. For the 2022 season, in-person registration will be held at Pine Park in Carlsbad. Please be sure to check the Registration page for dates, times, locations and forms.
How do I sign my child up for CPW?
Online registration for Carlsbad Pop Warner is held on our website March-April each year. Players and parents must also attend one in-person registration date. For the 2022 season, in-person registration will be held at Pine Park in Carlsbad. Please be sure to check the Registration page for dates, times, locations and forms.
What do I need to bring with me to Registration?
Both the child and a parent or guardian must be present at registration.
Original copy of child’s certified birth certificate (for age verification) and one photocopy of birth certificate for us to keep (Hospital certificate is not acceptable).
Helmet and shoulder pads for verification if a returning player (tackle football)
Wallet size photo of child. (School photo works well.) No hats or anything obstructing the child’s face.
Registration documents:
2022 registration checklist, policy agreement & adult code of conduct,
Physician physical form if completed (must be completed in the 2022 calendar year and turned in by July 31, 2022)
In-Person Registration dates: March 31st and April 30th 2022
Payment via credit card at online registration
What else does my child need prior to the first practice?
Physician physical forms and 2022 year end report cards must be turned in to your team’s business manager prior to the first practice on August 1 if they were not previously turned in at registration.
Why do we need to submit our child's year end report card?
Pop Warner considers academic achievement to be extremely important for all youth. To ensure this, proof of satisfactory progress in school is required. A 2.0/70% or the equivalent is the minimum grade point average acceptable to participate. If payers do not meet the minimum 2.0 GPA on their year-end report card, they will need to show positive progress in all classes on a fall 2022 progress report. In cases of doubt or conflict of opinion, a written statement by the school administration shall be deemed final. Please visit the Little Scholars page for more information.
Why does my child need to submit a physical?
Safety of the players is our primary concern. A physical completed by your child's doctor or clinic is the only way we know that your child is healthy enough to engage in the physical demands of football and cheer. Pop Warner requires every participant to have a physical prior to the start of the season. The physical form can be download from the form registration link. The physical must be completed after January 1, 2022, and forms must be turned in by July 31, 2022 or the player will not be allowed to participate.
Do I need to buy my own equipment and uniforms?
Yes, see the Tackle Football page for more information regarding personal helmets and shoulder pads.
Carlsbad Pop Warner provides the following equipment for football players:
Game Jersey
Practice Jersey
This means families must supply the player with:
Helmet with face mask & chinstrap
Shoulder Pads
Game Pants
Compression 7 pad Girdle (built in to some pants)
When does the season start?
Practices begin August 1st and usually run 5 days a week, Monday through Friday, for the entire month of August. Once school starts, practices drop back to 3 days per week (2 to 3 days for cheer), with games on Saturdays. The regular season continues through the second week of November, with Playoff Games, Bowl Games and Invitational Games running through the end of November. As well, cheer will be competing locally, and possibly regionally, through the end of November. If a team or squad advances to Nationals, the season can extend into January.
What is "mandatory conditioning"?
During the first week of practice, or the first 10 hours, the players "condition" with only helmets and mouthpieces. The main purpose is to get the kids in shape, used to running and exerting the level of energy required, prior to placing them in pads. This is also the time that they are introduced to football fundamentals, proper tackling techniques, hitting, passing, and receiving drills. Cheerleaders are also required to meet the 20 hours conditioning period, during which time they will be building endurance and learning the different cheers, routines, stunting, basing, lifts, cradles, etc. If a player misses any practice during the week of mandatory conditioning (August 1-5), he/she will be required to complete his/her 10 hours of conditioning before they are able to practice in pads with the rest of the team.
We want to take a vacation; does my child have to go to all the practices in August?
Yes, it is very important that your child attend all the practices during the month of August. As mentioned above, this is when the players are introduced to the fundamentals of football, proper tackling techniques, hitting, passing, and receiving drills. They are also evaluated for positions during this time and introduced to the team's playbook. If your child goes on vacation and misses practices, he will fall behind his teammates. Football is a team sport and it takes 11 players executing their jobs to make each play work. Everyone must be on the same page in order for the team to be successful. While the time commitment is extensive, the rewards are even greater as football teaches your child the value of teamwork and respect. Please plan your vacations around practice and games. The same applies to Cheer. During the month of August the cheerleaders also condition. and learn the cheers, routines, stunting, basing, lifts, cradles, etc. It is also the time when assessments take place and cheerleaders are placed in their positions for the season, including the competitive routine. Each squad depends on every girl to execute their position.
What times do they practice?
Practices are usually held in the late afternoons/early evenings and are based around the coaches, who volunteer countless hours, work schedules.
Where are practices held?
Practice locations vary for each team and squad, but the main fields Carlsbad Pop Warner utilizes are:
Pine Field
Poinsettia Field
Does my child have to try out to make the team?
Pop Warner prohibits tryouts of any kind for Pop Warner football. Players attend an evaluation day to ensure that they are placed on a team where their athletic abilities and safety comes first. Specific team assignments will not be made until after registration and evaluations. Due to the complex nature of assigning teams, friend requests will not be honored. Divisions with more than one team will have a mandatory assessment. Cheerleaders will be placed on a squad appropriate for their age, skill level, and experience to ensure their safety as well.
How much will my child play?
Decisions about playing time and positions are made by the Coaches of the team and are the final responsibility of the Head Coach. Pop Warner guarantees that players who attend all practices in a week will play at least 8 to 10 plays in a game, depending on the number of eligible players. Pop Warner has a "minimum play rule", also known as MPR, and it is strictly adhered to for each and every game. Coaches will make playing time and position decisions based on hard work, skill, performance in practice, experience and safety. Keep in mind that all teams want to win games, and no coach wants to put a player in an unfair situation where he has little chance of succeeding. First year players may expect less playing time than returning players, until they learn more skills and gain confidence.
When and where are the games played?
All of the games are played on Saturdays. Our home game field will be announced in July. The times of the games are determined by the number of teams competing and field availability. A schedule of games will be distributed at the start of the season. Away games will take place at different locations within our Conference.
What other cities could we travel to for games?
The West Coast Conference is a growing association from the San Diego County and the cities of Murrieta and Temecula .
Teams may play teams from all the cities listed below:
La Costa Canyon
Murrieta Valley
Point Loma
Rancho Bernardo
Rancho Hills
San Marcos
Scripps Ranch
Torrey Pines
Valley Center
How many games do we play?
The regular season is typically 9 games. Some teams go on to play additional bowl games.
Can I choose what team my child is placed on?
In short NO. However, Carlsbad Pop Warner makes every effort to ensure that families with siblings in the same qualifying age bracket be placed on the same team wherever possible.
How can I volunteer?
Carlsbad Pop Warner is made up entirely of volunteers, and without our volunteers, our program wouldn't exist! There are many ways to contribute. More information on a few areas that we can use your help is listed on the Volunteer page. If you have questions please contact any board member or your child's coach to see where you can help.
How can I become a Sponsor?
Sponsors are the lifeline of the program. The money that is raised each year through sponsorships, donations, and fundraising goes to supporting the program and to helps to offset the many costs associated with running the program. Some of the costs we incur are:
Home Game Fees
Field Light Usage
Conference Fees
Equipment Fees
Uniform Fees
Background Checks for Board Members and Coaches
Referee Fees
Medic fees
Each year, Carlsbad Pop Warner gives out Scholarships to families with financial difficulties so that every child will have the opportunity to participate. We will never turn a child away due to these constraints. During online registration, everyone has the opportunity to make a donation to support a family with a financial need. Additional sponsorship opportunities are listed on our Sponsors page.
How do I apply for a Scholarship?
The Carlsbad Pop Warner (CPW) Scholarship Policy is to provide financial assistance to those with economic need or financial hardship who meet the eligibility criteria. CPW does not give full scholarships; some payment from parents is required. All information that is provided to CPW in response to the Scholarship Application remains confidential and will not be shared for any other purpose. The information you provide will determine your child(ren)'s eligibility to receive a scholarship. There is non-refundable $50 application fee due at registration, which will be applied to any balance due for the cost of registering your child(ren) in Carlsbad Pop Warner. Click here to access the Scholarship Application.